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Home: Welcome


Performance Ready LLC is a training company offering 1:1 personal training, athlete group training, and virtual online training dedicated to improving physical fitness of our clients with an emphasis on athletic performance and physical ability metrics.


We take on any clients who want to improve their physical well-being from high school athletes to the parents of those high school athletes, and everyone in between. "Athletic performance" isn't just for "athletes".

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“If we train muscles, we might forget movements. But if we train movements, we never forget muscles.”



Our training methodology is all based on these staple qualities.



The ability to apply force quickly. This is a very overlooked quality outside of organized athletics. Speed is a very helpful quality in a lot of normal life contexts including injury prevention.

In sport, speed is damn near everything. All the strength in the world is useless if you can not apply it quickly.

Strongman Doing Power Squat


We use our strength to move things as well as to move ourselves and it is a key quality in maintaining a high level of general independence and ability to be useful. 

In sport, it's pretty intuitive that a good base of strength is helpful whether it be in moving people, moving yourself against resistance, or resisting being moved yourself, Some level of strength is indeed a prerequisite to enhancing speed as much as possible. 



Resilience for us refers to the ability to get hit and keep moving so to speak. It is resistance to fatigue as well as resistance to injury. Speed and strength are great qualities until you run out of gas or your body starts to fall apart and your ability to use them subsequently plummets. Resilience is the needed base for all that we do physically.


The Gym & Crossfit Alcides
122 Mill Rd, J1020 

Oaks, PA 19456

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